Peer-Reviewed Articles
UTD 25, FT 50, and ABS 4*/4:
Celhay F. and Luffarelli J. (2024). "Competent or Sad Blue? Lively or Aggressive Red? Why, How, and When Background Color Shapes the Meanings of Logo Hues,” Journal of Consumer Research, 51 (4), 820-44 — [UTD 25 Journal List; FT 50 Journal List; ABS: 4*].
Fišar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A., and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration**. (2024). “Reproducibility in Management Science,” Management Science, 70 (3), 1343-56 — [UTD 25 Journal List; FT 50 Journal List; ABS: 4*].
**Note: I was a member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration
Luffarelli J., Delre S.A. and Landgraf P. (2023). “How has the Effect of Brand Personality on Customer-Based Brand Equity Changed over Time? Longitudinal Evidence from a Panel Data Set Spanning 18 Years,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, 598-616 — [FT 50 Journal List; ABS: 4*].
Full-text access to a view-only version of this article
Luffarelli J., Mukesh M. and Mahmood A. (2019). “Let the Logo Do the Talking: The Influence of Logo Descriptiveness on Brand Equity,” Journal of Marketing Research, 56 (5), 862-78 — [UTD 25 Journal List; FT 50 Journal List; ABS: 4*].
In the media: Business Insider, Fast Company, Wall Street Journal, WARC
Luffarelli J., Stamatogiannakis A. and Yang H. (2019). “The Visual Asymmetry Effect: An Interplay of Logo Design and Brand Personality on Brand Equity,” Journal of Marketing Research, 56 (1), 89-103 — [UTD 25 Journal List; FT 50 Journal List; ABS: 4*].
Paper shortlisted among the top twenty papers based on doctoral work at EMAC 2016
In the media: Johns Hopkins Magazine, IE Insights
Mahmood A., Luffarelli J. and Mukesh M. (2019). “What's in a Logo? The Impact of Complex Visual Cues in Equity Crowdfunding,” Journal of Business Venturing, 34 (1), 41-62 — [FT 50 Journal List; ABS: 4].
Video abstract (for a general audience; in French, with English subtitles)
In the media: Forbes
Luffarelli J., Gonçalves D. and Stamatogiannakis A. (2016). “When Feedback Interventions Backfire: Why More Positive Feedback May Result in Lower Perceived Self-Competence and Satisfaction with Performance?,” Human Resource Management, 55 (4), 591-614 — [FT 50 Journal List; ABS: 4].
ABS 3:
Zoghaib A., Luffarelli J., and Feiereisen S. (2023). “Branding with music: How can music contour and tonality enhance perceived brand innovativeness and brand evaluations?” Psychology & Marketing, 40 (10), 1965-85.
Delre S.A. and Luffarelli J. (2023). “Consumer Reviews and Product Life Cycle: On the Temporal Dynamics of Electronic Word of Mouth on Movie Box Office,” Journal of Business Research, 156 (February).
Luffarelli J., Feiereisen S., and Zoghaib A. (2021). “More Innovative but Less Socially Responsible: The Influence of Using Metaphors in Marketing Communications on Product Perception, Choice, and Adoption Intention,” Psychology & Marketing, 38 (11), 1973-89.
ABS 1:
Luffarelli J., Markou P., Stamatogiannakis A. and Gonçalves D. (2019). “The Effect of Corporate Social Performance on the Financial Performance of Business‐to‐Business and Business‐to‐Consumer Firms,” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26 (6), 1333-50.
Luffarelli J. and Awaysheh A. (2018). “The Impact of Indirect Corporate Social Performance Signals on Firm Value: Evidence from an Event Study,” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 25 (3), 295-310.
Book Chapters
Stamatogiannakis A., Luffarelli J. and Yang H. (2015). “How to Use Visual Design to Boost Brand Equity?,” in The Psychology of Design: Creating Consumer Appeal, ed. Rajeev Batra, Colleen Seifert, and Diann Brei: Routledge.
Case Study and Teaching Notes
Celhay F. and Luffarelli J. (2023). “Using correspondence analysis in SPSS to investigate how logo colours impact brand impressions,” Sage Research Methods - Datasets - Business and Management.
Business Press Articles
In English:
Mahmood A., Luffarelli J. and Mukesh M. (2020). "To Attract Crowdfunding, Mystify Them With Your Logo," Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange, July 13.
Stamatogiannakis A., Luffarelli J. and Yang H. (2020). "What Does the Symmetry of Your Logo Say About Your Brand," Harvard Business Review, March 12.
Luffarelli J., Mukesh M. and Mahmood A. (2019). "A Study of 597 Logos Shows which Kind is Most Effective," Harvard Business Review, September 12.
In French:
Luffarelli J. (2019). "Pourquoi Netflix et Red Bull Auraient Intérêt à Changer de Logo," The Conversation, May 14.
Luffarelli J. (2019). "Pour Réussir votre Crowdfunding, Choisissez un Logo Complexe," The Conversation, March 31.